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Crafting Connections: The Story of the Cartrack Delivery Web App


A Brief Overview (1min)

Cartrack Delivery, a field task manager, operates on a SaaS model. Users can plan and track jobs on the web, while drivers receive and complete them via mobile.

Recorded demo of completing an online job within Delivery

One standout feature of Cartrack Delivery is its ability to adapt. It can process a wide range of jobs, including package/food delivery, passenger transportation, and service maintenance. This flexibility is due to its adaptable architecture and unique core designs.




The Old Communicator App




The New Cartrack Delivery

Before Cartrack Delivery, the previous app, Communicator, was only capable of handling package delivery. It struggled with managing other types of tasks, such as service tasks, and scaling up was difficult. This inflexibility resulted in customer losses and a limited customer base.

I was recruited to resolve this issue with the objective of enhancing the user experience and boosting sales.

However, with Cartrack Delivery, we were able to adapt to various business models thanks to its flexible nature, thereby expanding our customer reach.

Our hard work paid off. The new app significantly outperformed the old one — our sales increased 14-fold within two years, even though we spent less time on development.

Interested in how we achieved this? Let's explore!

Problems and Solutions:


During my user research for the old Communicator app, I noticed that customers were frequently switching between the Job View(table list) and Map View tabs. Each tab contained a feature that was requested and built at different times.

💡The reason for this design was multifaceted. One factor was the inconsistent product management history when building the Communicator app, which lacked a clear roadmap. Another factor was the implementation of this layout/structure by the Cartrack platform for easy development and management. But this approach encouraged shortcuts: just keep adding tabs when new requirements didn't easily fit, leading to a bloated and difficult-to-maintain app.

To address this, I proposed:

  • Extracting all major features from the current product and customer requests.
  • Consolidating these features/functions into fewer pages/tabs.




This is before design




This is after design

The new design:

  • Allows all essential operations to be performed on one page without switching tabs.
  • Seamlessly integrates map view and list view for better job visibility and easy assignments based on locations.
  • Introduces drag & drop for job assignments, enhancing its intuitiveness and user-friendliness.

Assigning jobs based on drivers' locations

Assigning jobs by drag & drop


Users often found some terms confusing and didn't understand what they meant.

💡The Communicator app used terms that were unfamiliar to most people, including industry experts. While technically accurate, they were difficult to understand.

💡A general rule of thumb for good UX is "Don't make me think." Introducing unfamiliar terms forces users to learn and interpret, causing cognitive overload and confusion.

To improve readability, I proposed:

  • Removing unfamiliar concepts to align with industry-standard terms.
  • Using simple, meaningful words and removing overly technical terminology.




This is before design




This is after design

The new design is more readable, even for non-technical staff. Users no longer need to learn or remember "complicated" technical terms, making the app easier to use.


Your app doesn't work for us because we have specific workflow and business requirements that must be met. We won't use your app unless it meets these requirements.

💡The Communicator app was primarily focused on package delivery, but our target customers have diverse business models. Some perform service maintenance on the spot, some require complicated steps for each field task, others provide bus transportation, etc. Accommodating all these within a single app is challenging.

💡There was no clear vision regarding target users or the product's future. Adding new features without a clear strategy resulted in a bloated app struggling to meet evolving user requests.

To address these issues, I proposed:

  • Redefining the target audience and establishing a clear product strategy and vision.
  • Designing a scalable and manageable solution for target users to fulfill their needs.




This is before design




This is after design

I introduced a new feature called "todo" for jobs. These small modular tasks are central to the solution. Users can create their unique workflow from these basic types of todos, no matter how complicated or diversified the tasks are. This effectively addressed the problem and allowed the business to reach more customers than ever before.

Customizing workflow via powerful 'todo' feature

Bonus point: these modular todos are also easier to develop and maintain.

💡My modular approach was influenced by atomic design and first principles. Similar principles have been tested and used in various cases, like the concept of "blocks" in Notion, and components in a design system.

Through continuous user testing, the new design effectively resolved major problems and received positive feedback from stakeholders and users. We believe this was key to our success in reaching a global scale and increasing sales 14-fold, even though we spent less time on its development.

But we didn't stop there. After the initial launch, we continued to refine and enhance based on research and feedback. Many new ideas were added, and some solutions were revised and polished.

In the second year after the project launch:

The Delivery app went global. It was launched in over 24 countries, translated into 14 languages, and was being used by more than 3000 drivers. Every day, millions of deliveries were completed.

See detailed release note here →